Each time a new day comes, change occurs all around us. The once popular operating system that we all have has already been changed to a new one, which new users and advertisers will say is a lot better. The old cell phone that we have may have become obsolete. There’s something out there that’s a lot better and can do almost anything that you can imagine. But even if these changes are already happening, there will be some of us who would not be that eager to grab a hold of that new technology.
When a new technological product gets introduced in the market, they normally have support groups that make sure consumers’ questions get answered. Marketing info encourages consumers to consider enjoying a new device or product. But why do some people choose to cling to old technology? Let’s find out why.
Old School is better
When you try to examine it, old school applications and operating systems are considered as more user-friendly. When the Windows XP operating system was initially introduced in the market, it was probably one of the most advanced operating system that was made available. As a result, a lot of individuals took advantage of it and had it on their desktop computers. Now that we have Windows 7 and 8 in the market, Windows XP is still around as an operating system in a lot of consumer’s homes. Those that already have it in their PCs don’t even feel like chucking it. The reason behind this is that some of us who have gotten used to a certain device, program or gadget reach certain comfort levels that have made us feel like experts. As a result, we resist new changes because we think that they are just expensive but will provide the same thing that your current device already does.
Brand Loyalty
Apple products like the iPhone are very popular in America. One of the psychological arguments to this product preference is because Americans feel that they should support American products. This is what we call the home team mentality. We often patronize products that come from our native homelands. The love for American product later on got transmitted to other channels and as a result, they start loving what you also loved. So when a new product gets introduced that’s made in another country, there is some hesitation to provide support to a foreign brand name. Acceptance comes in a lot later especially when its capabilities are proven to be more useful and practical for everyday needs.
Available Help
One of the main reasons why some folk resist new technology is because they know that what they have is also being used by others who have the same type of phones or operating systems. If you are using a certain phone and would like to know how call forwarding is done there, then you will consult someone who has the same feature on their phone. If there’s a feature on a new phone that you don’t understand, you look around first and find out if the people in our circle also have the same device. It becomes easier for us to solicit help or info from friends who know about the kind of help and info we need.
It’s a personal/practical preference
When we look around us, we find that there are so many advancements in technology that catching up with all of those changes seem to be difficult. There’s a high availability of HD TVs but the number of channels and programs that are in high definition are not as many as those that are in standard definition. Programs are still created in standard definition so there are instances when some of us may not take advantage right away of a high definition TV. Even if there are computers with magnificent capabilities, if our Internet speed is still sluggish, we won’t even think of going up to the next level. We simply become comfortable with what we have and decide that it’s a state of serenity. You don’t want to complicate your life so you’d rather stick with what you already know rather than learn a new trick.
Why Some People Resist Tech Change http://t.co/XORkci99cl
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