We have come to rely on the internet for most aspects of our daily lives. Every day more and more applications and programs are launched that help us with different tasks, or simply entertain us. So let us see some of the tools that have simplified our lives:
- vSites: This tool helps you to fashion a branded page for your products and services. This will be a separate site, solely existing for the purpose of promoting what you sell. You can think of it as a virtual flyer. vSites also enables the direct addition of content from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
- Kout: Coined out of the word ‘checkout’, this newly launched tool helps you develop an e-commerce portal. Thanks to its user friendly and uncluttered interface, it won’t matter even if you’re not a programmer. All you need to do is take the Kout source code for your page and paste it on your site.
- Parrut:Â This web service assists you to carry out email marketing campaigns. Open an account and make a custom URL that gives details about new offers, events, or new products and services. The tool will walk you through the process of promoting the campaign on Facebook and via email. You can keep track of the visitors and the conversion too.
- IDoneThis.com: Ok, I agree the grammar is incorrect, but this tool may be exactly what the doctor ordered, especially for procrastinators. When your day is drawing to a close, an email is sent to you, and it asks you how many tasks you have completed from your list. The completed tasks are added to a calendar so you can always keep track of your achievements, and how much you have left unfinished. This could very well be a jab in the arm prompting you to shake off the lethargy and stay up to date with your tasks.
- FriendFeed: This tool makes it very easy for you follow your friends or let them follow you, by combining all your social network feeds in a single place.
- Mint: This is a fantastic money management tool that is used by millions of people across the globe. In just a few minutes you can create an account (anonymously, if you wish) and add all your accounts like bank, credit cards, investment and so on. Once you input all the needed info, Mint will give you a clear picture of what your finances look like at the moment. This also provides you with budgeting tools, expense categorization and graphic presentation of your financial data.
- Wesabe: Apart from helping you manage your money this tool helps you get advice from other users, just like in Facebook or MySpace. It is like being part of a community. What’s more, once you enter your complete financial info, it will give you tips on spending and saving. Isn’t that great?
- Evernote: This allows you to jot down your ideas and thoughts, save pictures, audio files and even video clips. You can access them at a later time from anywhere, and from any device you use, like your Smartphone, tablet, desktop, etc. this way you can collect info from a lot of different places and have it all at one place. You can also search on keyword basis so you can quickly access exactly what you’re looking for.
This guest post is brought to you by SHARON THOMAS of Thecornersuite.com,  a site that offers savings and current information on  Dish Network Internet Packages .